Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents are common during the winter months in Georgia, especially in January, when snow and ice can create hazardous conditions. While our winters may not be as severe as in other parts of the country, even a thin layer of ice can lead...
Car Seat and Booster Seat Laws in Georgia: A Lifesaving Guide
Children's safety while traveling in vehicles is a top priority for parents, grandparents, and caregivers. In Georgia, car seat and booster seat laws are not just rules but tools designed to empower you to protect your children in the event of a crash. Understanding...
How to Establish Power of Attorney and Understand Its Types
Establishing a power of attorney (POA) is a crucial legal step in planning for the future. A POA is often a part of an estate plan. However, it can be created on its own for your specific purpose. You should establish an estate plan including a POA while you are able...
Understanding Contempt of Court in Family Law: What It Means and How to Avoid It
When a court issues an order—whether for child support, custody, or alimony—it is legally binding. Failing to comply with such orders can lead to serious consequences, including being held in contempt of court. This situation often arises in family law cases, and it’s...
Transfer on Death Deed Update in Georgia: Explained
On July 1, 2024, O.C.G.A. § 44-17-2 went into effect in Georgia. This new law allows for a transfer on death deed, (or TODD), for real estate. This means an owner of real estate can name a party to obtain ownership of a house or other real estate upon that person’s...
Understanding What Happens to Child Support When Your Kids Age Out in Georgia
As a family law attorney practicing in Georgia, I frequently encounter inquiries about the conclusion of child support obligations when children reach adulthood. Generally in a divorce, legitimation, or paternity action with minor children, the noncustodial parent is...
Accidents with an Unlicensed Driver: What You Need to Know
Accidents are stressful events under any circumstances, but when the other driver involved is unlicensed, the situation can become even more complex and frustrating. As a personal injury attorney practicing in Woodstock, Georgia, I often encounter clients needing...
Protecting Georgia’s Elderly: Understanding Medical Malpractice and Vulnerability
As a personal injury lawyer practicing in the heart of Georgia, unfortunately, I've seen various cases that illustrate the devastating effects of medical malpractice. It's a term that strikes fear into the hearts of many, yet few truly understand its implications...
How is Fault Determined in an Auto Accident?
When you've been in an auto accident, one of the most common questions people ask themselves is, "Who's at fault?" It's important for drivers to understand that Georgia operates under an at-fault system, which means that the driver responsible for causing the accident...