A Child Custody battle can be an excruciating experience, but with the proper preparation, attitude, and legal counsel, you’ll have a much easier time navigating the sometimes-intimidating world of family law. Here are a few things to keep in mind when preparing for your case, especially in the state of Georgia:

Always Remember “The Best Interest of the Child”

No matter where you are or the particulars of your situation, the ‘Best Interest of the Child’ principle will be the guiding principle of the judge deciding on your custody case. This principle, a key family factor, doesn’t mean that the court will make decisions that it believes will best serve the child’s reveal and emotional needs. If you want full or primary custody of your child, you need to show that this outcome is what’s best for your child, and that involves being on your best behavior in every way. This means maintaining a healthy and wholesome environment for your child: keeping the house clean and safe, doing fun activities with your child, and, of course, avoiding “bad behavior” (drugs, excessive drinking) that could reflect poorly on you. This also includes maintaining a civil relationship with your ex to show how responsible and flexible you can be in the situation. This also includes maintaining a civil relationship with your ex, which” brings us to…

Always Be Good, or at Least Civil, With Your Ex

Maintaining a civil relationship with an ex can be hard, but it will be rewarding in the end. A judge will have a difficult time finding that you are the more fit parent if your ex comes to court armed with angry text messages or emails you’ve sent, voicemails you’ve left, or testimony about you repeatedly being late or absent for custody handoffs. Be ready to show that you’re willing to work with your ex and that any lack of communication or cooperation isn’t coming from your side, and it will definitely make a difference in the eyes of the judge.


We advise across the board for any legal case, but Family Law can be particularly intangible, so any documentation you can show proving your fitness as a parent will come in handy to prove your case. Evidence of doctor visits, receipts for child support and essentials (childcare, clothing, food), documentation of school or community activities, anything can help. You can even enlist character testimony of people in your life, and those who have witnessed these events can testify firsthand about your involvement with your child.

Make a Good Impression

When stepping inside the courtroom, dress appropriately, have your documentation prepared and organized, and address the court with respect. Don’t interrupt the judge or other people’s testimony. You’re there to show you’re the more fit parent to care for your child, and you’ll have a hard time proving that if you come off as unprofessional and disrespectful during the court proceeding itself.

Ready to take that next step? Reach out to Debranski & Associates today: We can help with providing remote mediation, and if the courts begin to open up, we can help you schedule a hearing so you can get your date in court.